Interested in having a review of your personal and corporate tax position?
Contact us to make an appointment to review your current structure, prior year personal, corporate and trust returns (if applicable). In addition, we will review your wills, power of attorney documents and shareholder agreements.
Based upon our review of your information and discussions with you we will provide you with a summary report offering suggestions to improve your structure, reduce the amount of taxes you pay and ensure you are aware of any other Estate and Tax Planning opportunities.
Give us a call you can only stand to gain and have nothing to lose!
What Does it Cost?
Only $250 plus HST, however should you choose to utilize our services to implement any of the suggestions and ideas we will credit the $250 paid against any implementation fees.
Who Qualifies?
- Own a private company, partnership or sole proprietorship
- Have over $500,000 in annual sales
- Be serious about saving taxes and implementing suggestions
What Information is Required?
- Last four years of financial statements
- Prior year corporate, personal and trust tax returns
- Copies of wills and power of attorney documents
- Details of life and disability insurance policies held
- Corporate and personal tax carry-forward balances
- Copies of shareholder agreements
- Details of RRSP and non-registered investments
- Details of personal and corporate debts
- Details of other personal assets owned (rental properties, cottages etc.)
Your information will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone from outside of B.D. Karner Professional Corporation without your expressed written consent.